Vokabel Trainer 5.1

Vokabel Trainer 5.1

They want to learn (to have) words. And want that with system to make
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5.1.1 See all
Stefan Raeder Software
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

They want that (to have) words to learn, and want with system to make. Use for it 5 specialized learning card index box system. This system trains you, in which the repetition periods of the words continues to increase. Thus it is guaranteed that every time it threatens that the word fades, it back in the memory is called. Thus the word strengthens into its long memories. And in such a way it functions: They put on a new word, those into the subject 1 are placed and these to practice them now. Have they the word three times in follow answered it to the second subject are shifted correctly and after one day again to the words which can be practiced taken up. Will if it now again correctly beantwort is shifted it into the subject 3, it wrongly answered comes it automatically again into the first subject. Thus the words move by the individual fan. And the distance between the individual subjects trebles itself for each passage. And here comes the special of the program for carries, here even gives it for 7 fan. That is called that all words in 6. Subject landed, again after 60 days to be once again queried. And if it were answered correctly, into which last subject is pushed. Starting from this time the words are not any longer practiced automatically. Ability however each time manually again to practice to be activated. The program supports several users, who can train independently their personal words. For each user a statistics with notes computation is present. Its success in learning confirms. The words can be sorted according to categories/unit. Each user is protected by a password, so that no different one can change its words. They cannot only learn words of all languages with this program, but everything which them to learn would like (to have) e.g. mathematics, history, geography. It is individually applicable!!!


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